London Group member Jockel Liess performs at a Cafe Oto concert on August 6th to celebrate the launch of Resterecords latest release.
6th August 2019, 7.30pm
£8 Doors / £6 Advance / Free for Members
Info + Tickets
Cafe Oto
18-22 Ashwin St
London, E8 3DL
Resterecords is celebrating their new release, a collaboration between Ain Bailey & Jockel Liess. Ain Bailey will be performing her piece ‘Five Car Train to Freemont’ which responds to Jockel Liess’ work ‘irregular atmospheric motion’.
Liess’ irregular atmospheric motion is a meditative acoustic environment featuring shifting drones, resonant tones and frequencies. Each of his pieces exists as an autonomous generative computer system with the ability to perform and improvise the progression of the work. Once set in motion, Liess’ audiovisual compositions have no clear beginning or end; rather they exist in a state of infinite renewal.
Bailey’s sound work Five Car Train To Freemont is a live compositional response to irregular atmospheric motion, incorporating samples from Liess’ work as well as field recordings from San Francisco and Oakland. Bailey’s electroacoustic are inspired by ideas and reflections on silence and absence, architectural urban spaces, and feminist activism.