Susan Skingle

In everyday language, the weather, stars and planets appear in pictorially vivid idioms, often charged with fatalistic humour. This correlation between individual lives and natural forces is the focus of my constructions and drawings.

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David Shutt

“David Shutt is an artist of passionate integrity who revels in the beauty of appearances. He sees painting as a process of identification and revelation rather than dry classification; and as a way of apprehending the world.”

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Suzan Swale

Painting is the backbone of my work. I have made installations, used video, was part of a performance group for eight years and produce photo-media works, but these in a sense refer back to and coincide with what is going on in my painting.

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Lisa Traxler

“Lisa Traxler’s artworks bring physical existence back into the room. Her work gives us an opportunity to regain trust in the complexity of human experience and the knowledge that, while it may be difficult to fully recognise the entirety of what we see, within each part of the puzzle our own…

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Joshua Uvieghara

A question concerning reconciliation; between the ineffable and how it can be located in a visual materiality, is one I find best satisfied through painting. Sources can range from: an overheard conversation in another room, to an encounter of nocturnal phenomena in urban or rural landscape.

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Neil Weerdmeester

Beauty in the age of digital manipulation, stills in a mediated world that conjure up a hidden narrative beyond the surface of the work. Caught between the mediums where fact mixes with fiction my work seeks to open up interpretation and questions our need for answers.

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