The Working Committee

The Membership Committee voting on the 85th Open in 2023 at Swiss Church


President : Amanda Loomes (took up position 5 August 2021)
Vice President : Darren Nisbett
Deputy Vice President : Charlotte C Mortensson
Treasurer : Ian Parker
Hon. Secretary : Paul Bonomini

Working Committee
the above officers and
Sandra Crisp
Marenka Gabeler
Alexandra Harley
Genetic Moo
Gill Ingham
David Redfern
David Wiseman
Carol Wyss

Membership Committee (Nominally 17)
Artist members of the Working Committee and

Clive Burton
Jockel Liess
Almuth Tebbenhoff
Steve Pettengell

Jemma Appleby
Jonathan Armour
Barbara Beyer
Lesley Bunch
Yuen Ling Chiu
Stathis Dimitriadis
Emilia Gonzalez Salgado
Sayako Sugawara

The Online Communications Committee
Genetic Moo, Sandra Crisp, Jockel Liess, Charlotte Mortennson, Darren Nisbett, David Wiseman, Beverley Duckworth, David Redfern, Mike Phillipson and Martin Darbyshire.

The group is active on Facebook with daily updates and historical posts including this one on a famous past member.

We do Twitter while it lasts

We’re also busy on Instagram



There are older photos of the Group’s shows to be seen on our Flickr site