Exhibition Part I: 20 – 29 November at The Cello Factory 2-6pm
Exhibition Part II: 4 – 13 December at The Cello Factory 2-6pm

The UK’s longest-running and most prestigious artists’ co-operative, The London Group, is delighted to announce both the member and the selected exhibitors for its 84th open exhibition.
The London Group Open 2019 offers a wonderful opportunity for emerging and established artists to raise their profile, win cash prizes, and exhibit their work alongside the Group’s esteemed members. No commission will be charged on any works sold during the 2019 exhibition in line with the Group’s commitment to give artists ‘a boost in a tough career, thereby nurturing and supporting the development of the art of the future’. Susan Haire, President.

The Members of The London Group who will be exhibiting this year are as follows:
Victoria Bartlett, Stephen Carley, John Crossley, Philip Crozier, Jeff Dellow, Angela Eames, James Faure Walker, Tricia Gillman, Vaughan Grylls, Susan Haire, Julie Held, Bill Henderson, Gillian Ingham, Janet Nathan, Micheál O’Connell, Ian Parker, Claire Parrish, Janet Patterson, Sumi Perera, Michael Phillipson, Alexander Ramsay, David Redfern, Tommy Seaward, Philippa Stjernsward, Srinivas Surti, David Theobald, Philippa Tunstill, Neil Weerdmeester, Anthony Whishaw, Erika Winstone, David Wiseman, Carol Wyss
Moich Abrahams, Wendy Anderson, Bryan Benge, Slawomir Blatton, Clive Burton, Peter Clossick, Tim Craven, Sandra Crisp, Mark Dickens, Eric Fong, Cadi Froehlich, Alexandra Harley, Martin Heron, Aude Hérail Jäger, Alexander Hinks, Annie Johns, Jockel Liess, Amanda Loomes, Jeff Lowe, Graham Mileson, Genetic Moo, C Morey De Morand, Charlotte C Mortensson, Kathleen Mullaniff, Darren Nisbett, Eugene Palmer, Christopher Poulton, Tom Scase, Suzan Swale, Almuth Tebbenhoff, David Tebbs, Paul Tecklenberg, Bill Watson, Tisna Westerhof, Susan Wilson
The artists selected to exhibit as part of The London Group Open 2019 are as follows:
Galina Agafonova, Belinda Bailey, Paul Bonomini, Amelia Bowles, Simon Chalmers, Zihan Chen, Dominique Croshaw, Martin Darbyshire, Freddie Darke, Daniel Davidsson, Robert Davies, Nigel Dawes, Ozlem Demirel, Beverley Duckworth, Chloe Fremantle, Anne Grimm, Chris Horner, Debbie Lee, Rosie Leventon, Duncan Mckellar, Eugene Macki, Bethany Marett, Maya Ramsay, Amber Roper, Gail Seres-Woolfson, Katy Shepherd, Linda Simon, Hanna ten Doornkaat, Alexander Vorobyev, Ariella Wertheimer, Eleanor Wood, Natalia Zagorska-Thomas, Jingbo Zou
David Aston, Adam Atraktzi, Simon Brewster, Anita Bryan, Stephen Buckeridge, Gill Capewell, Sayan Chanda, Emma Elliott, Tomas Fernandez Vertiz, Jill Gibson, Josh Grey-Jung, Shir Handelsman, Christopher Harris, Samantha Heydt, Lesley Hilling, Chirag Jindal, Marion Jones, Ann Kim, Izabela Kowalczyk, Constanze Kratzsch, Sarah Leahy, J. (Jie) Li, Christopher Madden, Ana Mendes, Barbara Nati, Richard Paton, Maybelle Peters, Rob Reed, Julia Remizova, Ana Schmidt, Sam Shendi, Seamus Staunton, Lisa Traxler RWS MRSS, Tom Waugh, Angela Wright

Part I Artists’ Talks 18:00 – 20:00, Friday 29 November
Participants: Sumi Perera LG, Erika Winstone LG, Carol Wyss LG, Paul Bonomini, Chris Horner and Natalia Zagorska-Thomas
Prize-giving 9 Dec 18:00 – 20:00
Part II Artists’ Talks 18:00 – 20:00, Friday 13 December
Participants: Alex Hinks LG, Christopher Harris talking together with Charlotte Mortensson LG, Suzan Swale LG, Josh Grey – Jung, Ana Mendes and Ana Schmidt

‘Having been on the Open Selection Committee since 2007 I am always fascinated to review the staggering range of work being produced by our fellow art workers and to show alongside them. I see it as an education; informing and enriching me personally as regards current practice.’ David Redfern
Prizes – which collectively total over £9,000 – will be awarded to non-members and include The President’s Prize of a three-person exhibition at The Cello Factory; the Ingram Collection Purchase Prize, worth £2,000; the Victor Kuell Memorial Prize for innovation, worth £1,000; the Sculpture Prize awarded by Jeff Lowe, worth £1,000; the JPES Partnership Prize, worth £1,000; the Felix and Spear Exhibition Prize; the Chelsea Arts Club Trust Stan Smith Award for research and materials for an artist under 35, worth £750; the Schauerman Digital Art Prize, worth £500; and the Artlyst Prize, worth £500. All non-members will be eligible for prizes.
2019 Open Exhibitors Announced Press Release